Video and Handouts: Massachusetts Regulations for Campaigning and Political Finance for Local Ballot Questions

Here is a complete video of a 5/26/09 presentation and Q&A with Michael Sullivan, Director of the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance. Mr. Sullivan describes what is and is not acceptable in the realm of campaigning and political finance for local ballot questions. Northampton residents are scheduled to vote on a Proposition 2 1/2 tax override on June 16.

The workshop took place at the Northampton Senior Center. This video is 1 hour 10 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen.

Here are selections from the two handouts provided by Mr. Sullivan. Click the PDF links to download the complete handouts. Mr. Sullivan urged people to call the Office of Campaign & Political Finance if they had further questions. Answers can be provided in as little as an hour.

HANDOUT 1: Public Employees and Campaigns (PDF, 1 page, 97KB)

HANDOUT 2: Public Resources and Local Ballot Questions, Activities of Public Officials in Support of or Opposition to Ballot Questions, Proposed Use of Automated Calling System (e.g. Connect-ED), The Use of Governmental Resources for Political Purposes (PDF, 19 pages, 1.1MB)

See also:

June 1: Property Tax Override Forum Sponsored by Ward Three Neighborhood Association

Vote YES! Northampton Launches Website to Support $2 Million Proposition 2 1/2 Override

Northampton Redoubt: “Higgins gambling on a municipal budget” (4/18/09)

Video: Mayor Gives FY2010 Budget Briefing to Ward 3 on 3/16/09
Supporting documentation for the FY2010 city budget outlook is available at