Here is a YouTube video of the complete 2/22/12 meeting of Northampton’s Board of Public Works. This recording is 1 hour 7 minutes long and was made by Mimi Odgers.
Starting at 0:06:30 on the video, City Engineer James Laurila tells the board that the sewer line leading from the Industrial Park is at capacity. If a business came to the park and added to the load, more capacity would have to be installed. That could take 6-10 months and cost $800,000. The city might want to undertake that work now to avoid making future tenants of the park wait for the upgrade.
Starting at 0:23:40, Laurila notes that nature of the discharge from the newly expanded Coca-Cola plant is triggering extra processing costs at the city’s Waste Water Treatment Plant, including overtime hours.
See also:
Video and Pictures: Replacement of the Bradford Street Sewer Pump Station