Video: Solid Waste Task Force, January 3, 2011

Here is a video of the 1/3/11 meeting of the Solid Waste Reduction and Management Task Force. It was held in the JFK Middle School Library. This video is 1 hour 44 minutes long. It is complete except for a half-minute gap for camera changeover around the 52-minute mark. The recording was made by Craig Odgers.Here is a draft of the minutes from the meeting:

Selected quotes from the minutes:

M. LaBarge: The importance of education is nothing new…we’ve been hearing about the need for more
outreach to apartment dwellers for a long time now and the haulers haven’t taken responsibility…

A. Miller: When reviewing the list, everything seems to add up to PAYT [Pay As You Throw]…reducing waste, reducing
costs for residents, affecting consumption habits, etc. Unit-based pricing (PAYT) should be a priority…

A. Miller contended using 64-gallon carts is not considered to be unit-based pricing. Automated
collection with totes can be combined with unit-based pricing by offering smaller containers and other
financial incentives to reduce waste. DEP’s experience is that disposal costs will decrease 20%-40% when
unit-based pricing is introduced. DEP uses a 40-gallon maximum for their unit-based pricing models. In
Longmeadow, households are given up to 40-gallons/week capacity and only 10% use overflow bags.

See also:

Assessment of Materials Management Options for the Massachusetts Solid Waste Master Plan Review (PDF, 655KB, December 2008; see related documents on MassDEP website)
The fraction of waste recycled or composted has a dominant impact on the overall system energy profile for all three scenarios…

Economic instruments such as taxes or fees should be part of the mix, but should be linked to long-term waste reduction goals in the context of increasing resource productivity. Getting price signals right for goods and services by including environmental externalities is an important element for achieving the structural changes in the economy that are required to move towards a sustainable materials management system…

Video: Solid Waste Task Force Hears from Haulers (12/20/10)

Video: Solid Waste Reduction & Management Task Force, December 6, 2010

Video: First Meeting of the Solid Waste Task Force (11/15/10)