Here is a complete video of the 11/15/10 meeting of Northampton’s new Solid Waste Reduction & Management Task Force. This was the first meeting of the task force. The recording is 1 hour 17 minutes long and was made by Craig Odgers from Water Not Waste. (Craig’s wife Mimi is a member of the task force.) The task force next meets on December 6 at 6:30pm in the Smith Vocational High School Library. These meetings are open to the public.
See also:
Video: Duseau, Bouquillon Comment on Proposed “Regulations for Refuse and Recycling Collection” (10/26/10)
MassDEP: “Draft 2010-2020 Solid Waste Master Plan: A Pathway to Zero Waste” (7/1/10)
Since 1990, when MassDEP issued the first Solid Waste Master Plan, the Commonwealth has made great progress, recycling 44% of the waste we produced in 2008. This is one of the best recycling rates in the nation, but its growth has leveled off and we continue to dispose of materials that have significant value and environmental impact…
Northampton recycling rate: 40%
Video: City Council Enacts Drinking Water Protection Ordinance (9/3/10)
This ordinance prohibits the establishment or expansion of landfills over aquifers or in Water Supply Protection districts. It effectively blocks the expansion of the Northampton municipal landfill as sought by the Board of Public Works.
Water Not Waste Presentation at the July 1 City Council Public Hearing (PDF)
Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study (PDF, 2.7MB)
Key Portions of the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study
Republican: “Single-stream recycling scores big in Springfield”