Here is a complete video of a 10/19/10 public meeting on the King, Summer, and North Street intersection and access to the Manhan Rail Trail from North Street and Edwards Square. Planning Director Wayne Feiden presented proposed improvements to the intersection and trail, taking comments from the audience. Mr. Feiden cautioned that the proposals were largely unfunded as of yet, so it may be some time before work in this area takes place. Laura Hanson from the Department of Public Works was also in attendance. This video is 56 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen.
Here are the slides presented by Mr. Feiden. See slides 5 and 6 for the proposed new crosswalk across King Street and curb extension to facilitate crossing.
See also:
Last Call! North Street Traffic Calming Survey
Ward 3 City Councilor Angela Plassmann and the Department of Public Works would like residents to share their opinions on traffic calming in this 5-minute survey. Responses are requested by October 23.
Councilor Plassmann: “Video, Pictures and Handouts from Meeting on North Street Reconstruction; Truck Traffic” (6/11/10)
Handouts from the Department of Public Works describe the characteristics of North Street, the results of a traffic study, and information on limiting truck traffic.