Update on Exit 19

This update was circulated to the Exit 19 Project Advisory Committee members today:

Hello PAC Members:

This email is to inform you that a summary of the July 2010 PAC meeting is now online at http://www.interchange19.org/html-pub_involve/project_comm.html. Please let me know if anything in the summary is not correct.

In addition, the study team has created a newsletter which provides information on the June 2010 public meeting as well as the alternatives recommended to move forward in the analysis. This newsletter is located on the study homepage at http://www.interchange19.org/index.html. Please distribute this as you wish. I plan to email it to those who signed up to be on our email distribution list today.

At this time, we have tentatively scheduled our next PAC meeting for Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6 PM. I am awaiting confirmation on the meeting location and will notify you when the date, time, and location are confirmed.

Thank you,


Marcy Miller, AICP
Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc.

See also:

Video: Engineers Abandon Full-Access Interchange Concepts for Exit 19; Residents Delighted (7/24/10)
Besides no-build, three concepts will proceed for more study:

  • Concept 13: Intersection & Ramp Improvements
  • Concept 13A: Intersection & Ramp Improvements with Roundabout
  • Concept 13B: Intersection & Ramp Improvements with Double Roundabout

Exit 19: Summary of June 14 Meeting and Comments Posted Online

Video: Exit 19 Public Meeting, 6/14/10; $10 Million to Save Two Minutes
The presenters estimate that the full-access interchange concepts (C15, C15A, C18) have the potential to shave two minutes off the time it takes to exit the highway and reach the center of downtown Northampton (see video starting at1:17:00). These concepts are estimated to cost from $12.8 million to $35.0 million. The concepts preferred by the Project Advisory Committee (C12-C13C), are estimated to cost $3 million or less. The PAC includes local citizens.

Exit 19 Presentation for June 14 Meeting: Comparing the Concepts

Gazette: “Consultants air designs for Exit 19 improvements” (6/14/10)