TED Video: Ellen Dunham-Jones on Retrofitting Suburbia

As King Street goes under the microscope, architect Ellen Dunham-Jones talks in Atlanta about the successful reuse of empty buildings and parking lots, and enhancing the attractiveness of major thoroughfares. Infill doesn’t have to mean swallowing up our remaining in-town greenspace. From the TED Blog, 6/29/10: “Ellen Dunham-Jones fires the starting shot for the next 50 years’ big sustainable […]

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Bay State Village Visioning Project: Survey Results

On June 22, the Visioning Committee of the Bay State Village Association presented the results (PDF, 6MB) of a recent survey of residents’ preferences for the future of their neighborhood. Below are selected slides from the presentation. Preserving open spaces and the natural environment emerge as clear priorities, as does a desire to maintain current lot sizes (not reduce them). […]

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Video: Zoning Revisions Committee Continues to Deliberate King Street, 7/21/10

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 7/21/10 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. King Street was once again the main order of business, as the committee continued to discuss fine points as well as broader issues in a proposal from the Chamber of Commerce (PDF). A public forum on King Street rezoning is contemplated for September. This […]

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Video: Engineers Abandon Full-Access Interchange Concepts for Exit 19; Residents Delighted

To the delight of Bridge Street residents, the engineers working on potential changes to I-91 Exit 19 have abandoned the more elaborate concepts that called for building a full-access interchange. Those concepts would have cost the most and had the greatest impact on abutters. The engineers have concluded they aren’t worth it. Download the engineers’ […]

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Video: Social Services and Veterans Affairs Committee Disfavors “Bring The War Dollars Home”

Here is a complete blip.tv video of the 7/19/10 meeting of Northampton’s Social Services and Veterans Affairs Committee. Two of the three city councilors on the committee, Gene Tacy (Ward 7) and Angela Plassmann (Ward 3), voted to send the “Bring The War Dollars Home” resolution to the full council with an unfavorable opinion. The third councilor […]

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August 7: Ward 3 Neighborhood Association to Sponsor Ward 3 Vegetable Garden Tour

We are pleased to share this press release with you: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Jerry Budgar (413) 584-2964 WARD 3 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION TO SPONSOR WARD 3 VEGETABLE GARDEN TOUR Local residents will have an opportunity to celebrate the agricultural and food-growing heritage of Northampton and talk with farmers and gardeners about growing local food as […]

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Videos: City Council Approves Drinking Water Protection Ordinance 6-3

Northampton’s City Council approved the Drinking Water Protection Ordinance last night at its first reading. The ordinance forbids landfills from being established or expanded over aquifers or in Water Supply Protection districts. It would have the effect of preventing expansion of the Northampton municipal landfill over the Barnes Aquifer. The council is expected to take […]

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