Chamber Plans to Take King Street Proposals to Planning Board if Zoning Revisions Committee ‘Bogs Down’ in Process

Here is a video of the first 1 hour and 40 minutes of the 6/16/10 meeting of Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee. This recording was made by Lachlan Ziegler. Much of the meeting is devoted to discussing “Rezoning King Street” (PDF), a proposal advanced by the Chamber of Commerce. Here is a 10-minute YouTube video […]

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July 1: City Council Public Hearing – Drinking Water Protection Ordinance

Water Not Waste has issued this press release. We urge concerned citizens to attend the July 1 hearing. Water Not Waste supports the Drinking Water Protection Ordinance sponsored by City Councilor at Large David Narkewicz, Ward 6 City Councilor Marianne LaBarge, Ward 7 City Councilor Gene Tacy, and Ward 4 City Councilor Pamela Schwartz. This ordinance […]

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Video: Exit 19 Public Meeting, 6/14/10; $10 Million to Save Two Minutes

Here is a complete video of the 6/14/10 public meeting on Exit 19. This video is 2 hours 17 minutes long and was recorded by Adam Cohen. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and its consultants presented the current concepts under consideration (PDF, 34MB) and took questions from the audience. The concepts which incorporated three-story-tall “flyover” ramps did not appear […]

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Video: Andrew Weir Interviews for Planning Board with Appointments & Evaluations Committee, 6/14/10

Here is a complete video of the 6/14/10 meeting of Northampton’s Appointments & Evaluations Committee. This is a committee of the City Council. Andrew Weir, a landscape designer and IT consultant, was interviewed for a position on the Planning Board. The committee voted to recommend his appointment. This video is 30 minutes long and was recorded […]

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Exit 19 Presentation for June 14 Meeting: Comparing the Concepts

In preparation for the June 14 public meeting on Exit 19 (6pm, Bridge Street School Cafeteria), the Massachusetts Department of Transportation has made available its presentation (PDF, 34MB) and Summer 2010 Fact Sheet (PDF) for download. This is a key meeting. All concerned citizens are urged to attend. These slides from the presentation appear to show that […]

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Video: Chamber Presents “Rezoning King Street” to Planning Board

Here is a video of the 6/10/10 meeting of Northampton’s Planning Board. The Chamber of Commerce presented “Rezoning King Street” to the board. This video is 1 hour 58 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler.   Below are excerpts from the Chamber’s “Findings & Recommendations” (PDF). The attention to parking issues and pedestrian comfort […]

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Video: Conservation Commission Reviews Montessori Work off Bates Street, Beaver-Related Flooding on State and Stoddard Streets

Here is a complete video of the 6/10/10 meeting of Northampton’s Conservation Commission. This video is 1 hour 48 minutes long and was recorded by Lachlan Ziegler. Here is the agenda for this meeting: Northampton Conservation Commission Agenda 5:00 PM, Thursday June 10, 2010 City Hall Hearing Room 2nd floor, 210 Main Street, Northampton […]

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