At the request of Ward 3 City Councilor Bob Reckman, we are publishing the following announcement:
The Ward Three Neighborhood Association, the Northampton Office of Planning and Development and the Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways will hold a two-part celebration on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009. The first part will be the annual meeting of the Ward Three Neighborhood Association, which will begin at 12:30 PM on the Deck at Union Station. We will report on the activities of the Association for the last year and our plans for the coming year. We will also take nominations, elect the Board of the Association and consider some changes to the bylaws. People will be encouraged to renew their membership or to join the Association. Annual dues are $10 for individuals and $15 for families. Refreshments will be served and there will be ample opportunities for socializing. The meeting area is covered, so the event will proceed rain or shine. The Association’s website is Please visit us there to learn more about our history, goals, officers and bylaws or to join the Association.
At 2:00 PM the new bike path will be formally opened at the new bike bridge over Main Street. Wayne Feiden, director of OPD, will offer a few words of thanks to the many people and organizations that contributed to its completion. Citizens are encouraged to come on their bikes and explore the new trail system. Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways will lead a walking tour at 2 PM. There will also be some bike events for children. We hope that everyone who is interested in either event will join us for both.
See also:
Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways

Rail Trail Map by Northampton Trails and Greenways (PDF)
Northampton Planning and Development: Sustainable Transportation
Video: Transforming Northampton’s Rail Trails to a Regional Trail Network (11/18/08)
Manhan Rail Trail
Norwottuck Rail Trail