November 16: I-91 Interchange 19 Study Advisory Group Meeting

Northampton Media reports that an Exit 19 meeting has been scheduled for November 16: …the I-91 Interchange 19 PAC [Project Advisory Committee] meeting has officially been rescheduled. The meeting will occur on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the Community Room of JFK Middle School in Florence, MA. JFK Middle School is located at 100 […]

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Hanging on to Our Families with Young Children – Implications for Urban Design

As Northampton’s Zoning Revisions Committee moves to implement the Sustainable Northampton Plan, we encourage the committee to evaluate proposals with the interests of families in mind. It can be hard for parents of young children to attend public meetings, but they vote with their feet when deciding where to live. The migration of young adults […]

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October 4: Ward 3 Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting; New Bike Path Opens

At the request of Ward 3 City Councilor Bob Reckman, we are publishing the following announcement: The Ward Three Neighborhood Association, the Northampton Office of Planning and Development and the Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways will hold a two-part celebration on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009. The first part will be the annual meeting of […]

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Video: Special City Council Meeting of 9/24/09; Landfill Expansion; Heavy Public Uses; Clips: Tacy, Odgers, Bessette, Foxmyn, Susco

Here is a complete video of the 9/24/09 special meeting of Northampton’s City Council. This video is 1 hour 25 minutes long and was recorded by Mimi Odgers of Water Not Waste. Below is the official agenda followed by YouTube clips from the meeting. You may download PDFs of the proposed ballot question (21KB), […]

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David Pakman Announces Northampton Groundcrew; First Event: September 30 with Jesse Adams

We are circulating this announcement at the request of David Pakman: Friends,Good news: something revolutionary and really fun is starting in Northampton. We’re using new community-building technology that helps participants/users get OFF their computers and actually engage with local politics and their city in positive, coordinated ways.As part of the Northampton launch, which involves events […]

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Sign Up for DPW Alerts – Snow Emergency Information

Northampton’s Department of Public Works is circulating this announcement: Anyone can sign up for DPW Alerts at the following link: these messages will primarily convey Snow Emergency information (with subsequent towing), other alerts and emergencies (like flooding and major road closures) may also be emailed to you.These alerts serve as a back-up for the more […]

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Northampton Media: Interview with Angela Plassmann, Ward 3 City Council Candidate

Northampton Media recently posted video interviews with a variety of city council candidates. Ward 3 voters will be especially interested in this 25-minute Vimeo video of an interview with Angela Plassmann, who is challenging incumbent City Councilor Bob Reckman. We would gladly publish a video interview or statement from Mr. Reckman as well, should one be made […]

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Landfill Neighbors File Protest Petition

As reported yesterday at Northampton Redoubt, about 27 property owners in the Glendale Road area recently filed the following protest petition. Download the petition (PDF, 722KB). See the proposed zoning changes, which will be discussed by the City Council at a special September 24 meeting (7:00pm, City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street).See also:September 24: Special City […]

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