Northampton’s City Council plans to discuss the following non-binding question for the November 3 ballot at its September 3 meeting (City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, 7:15pm).
See also:
Video: Special Meeting of the Board of Public Works and the City Council, 8/21/09; Landfill Ballot Question No. 2
The claim that there will be “no new environmental risk for the city” seems scientifically impossible. As noted at Zero Waste America, “even the best liner and leachate collection system will ultimately fail due to natural deterioration.” It might be plausible to claim the environmental risk from landfill expansion is small, but it’s not zero.
Key Portions of the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study
A critical element missing from the study is an estimate of the value of Barnes Aquifer water at risk from contamination due to landfill expansion. Neither the words “Barnes” nor “Aquifer” appear anywhere in the study.
Water Not Waste Seeks Signatures, Donations
Water Not Waste has launched a campaign to put the following non-binding question on the November ballot:
“Shall the City of Northampton expand the Northampton landfill over the Barnes Aquifer?”
You may download the petition signature form here.
Download the Solid Waste Management Alternatives Study (PDF, 2.7MB)
Video: Landfill Options – Public Information Meeting of 8/17/09
Videos: Planning Board Meeting of 8/13/09; Special Permits for Heavy Public Uses
Paradise City Forum: Landfill and Aquifer
Department of Public Works: Landfill Documents
Northampton Solid Waste Alternatives Google Group