The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is circulating the following announcement:
The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association has finalized the presenters for our forum on the proposed override. The forum will be held in the cafeteria at Bridge Street School on Monday, June 1 at 7 PM. The moderator will be Mr. Gerry Budgar, president of the Association.
The first presenter will be Mayor Clare Higgins. She will provide a brief summary of the sources of our current financial problems, the impact on City services in several possible scenarios as well as a description of how Proposition 2 ½ works. The second presenter will be Mr. Kevin Lake, who will talk about historic patterns in the City’s education spending. These two people will have 20 minutes.
The next presenter will be Pam Schwartz of Vote Yes Northampton, who will have 5 minutes to argue for the override.
The next two presenters will be Kathy Silva and Gene Tacy. They will each have 5 minutes to explain why they are opposed to the override.
When the presenters have finished, Gerry Budgar will take questions from the audience and guide them to any of the presenters who wish to respond.
Bob Reckman
Ward 3 City Councilor
See also:
Northampton City Council Web Page with Contact Information
June 1: Property Tax Override Forum Sponsored by Ward Three Neighborhood Association
Vote YES! Northampton Launches Website to Support $2 Million Proposition 2 1/2 Override
Northampton Redoubt: “Higgins gambling on a municipal budget” (4/18/09)
Video: Mayor Gives FY2010 Budget Briefing to Ward 3 on 3/16/09
Supporting documentation for the FY2010 city budget outlook is available at
Ward 3 Neighborhood Association Invites You to Join: Brochure