The Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is making the following call for signatures:
The Traffic Calming Committee of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association is almost ready to submit our application packet to the city’s Parking and
Transportation Commission to have them do a traffic calming study in the neighborhood bordered by Bridge St., Pleasant St. and Hockanum Rd.
It is crucial to get as many neighbors’ signatures as possible. So if you live in this neighborhood and haven’t had the opportunity to sign
the application, please contact Lola at lo****@ve*****.net or 584-9463 before April 10, and she will make arrangements with you to get your signature. Thank you!
See also:
Traffic Calming in Northampton
Web pages of the Transportation and Parking Commission. Download a copy of the Northampton Traffic Calming Manual.
Video: Traffic Calming Informational Discussion, 2/26/09
Takes Up Traffic Calming Manual on 9/18/08; Traffic Concerns from Ward
3; Impact of Traffic Calming on Bicyclists and Snow Removal
Here are traffic concerns (PDF) collected by members of the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association over the summer, along with proposed solutions (PDF):