The Mayor’s office is circulating this update today:
Mayor’s Email Update
Dear neighbors,
I am sending a quick email update today to let you know that we have added a number of pages to the City’s website to share the most current information we have about the FY2010 budget. I will be making a presentation in each of the city’s seven Wards in the coming days, and hope you will be able to attend to hear the information and to ask questions. The meeting times we have confirmed so far are listed below and on the city’s website calendar. If you are not able to come to the meetings, I have put the bulk of the presentation on the website at
I have also asked you all to provide us with ideas and suggestions for possible budget cuts and areas to cut back. I am deeply grateful for all of our neighbors who have so far sent in their thoughts, priorities, suggestions and concerns. We have added a webpage called The City Speaks, where I have posted these ideas. Some of them are actions we have already taken; some are actions we cannot take under the law; some bear closer scrutiny. I hope you will take some time to read the ideas our neighbors have suggested, and as always, let me know your thoughts as well, by email at ma***@no***********.gov.
The budget projection we have leaves us with a deficit of more than $6 million on the city side and $3 million on the school side. There is no way we can function with the same level of programs and services we are currently accustomed to with so dramatic a budget gap. Now more than ever we need to keep the community dialogue alive about the kind of community we want to live in and how our city government can best support that vision.
Thank you for your ongoing participation in the civic life of Northampton.
Clare Higgins
WARD MEETINGSWednesday March 11th – Ward 7 – Leeds School
Monday March 16th – Ward 3 – Bridge Street School
Monday March 23 – Ward 6 – RKFinn Ryan Road School
Tuesday March 24 – Ward 5 – Florence Civic Center
Thursday March 26th – Ward 4 – City Council Chambers
Check the Daily Hampshire Gazette for Wards 1 & 2 as soon as we are able to schedule them.
See also:
Video: School Committee Meeting of February 12; Presentation of Strategic Plan