Michael Bardsley, one of the two At-Large City Councilors for Northampton, is circulating the following announcement. Download a PDF of the caucus flyer.
…The Northampton Democratic Caucus will be held February 7th at the JFK Middle School. The meeting starts at 11:00 AM. You must be there by 11:30 AM to be able to vote in the caucus. Each ward will have their own caucus. All Northampton Democrats who were registered by December 31st may vote in the caucus. The caucus will elect delegates to the Democratic State Convention being held Saturday June 6th at the MassMutual Center in Springfield.
Immediately after the Ward 3 Caucus has elected its delegated and has adjourned, there will be a meeting of the Ward 3 Committee to add any interested Democrat as a new member of the Ward 3 Committee.
Please pass the word concerning the Ward 3 Caucus as well as the Ward 3 Committee Meeting to any and all Ward 3 Democrats whom you know.
Thank you,
Michael Bardsley
Ward 3 Chair