Zoning Revisions Committee on City Council Agenda for 10/16/08

The proposed Zoning Revisions Committee is on the 10/16/08 agenda of Northampton’s City Council. The meeting will take place at 7:15pm in City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street. The public is encouraged to attend. The City Council will decide whether to endorse the creation of the Zoning Revisions Committee, which is to recommend zoning changes […]

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Mayor’s Email Update of 10/10/08

Mayor Clare Higgins sent this email update to the public today. To sign up for emails from the mayor, the Office of Planning and Development, and/or the Department of Public Works, go to http://www.northamptonma.gov/ and see the left side of the page.The North Street Neighborhood Association does not necessarily support or oppose the mayor’s positions […]

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Valley Advocate Critiques Sustainable Northampton Plan

This week’s Valley Advocate critiques the Sustainable Northampton Plan and contrasts it with the picture-filled work from the recent Notre Dame Northampton Urban Design Charrette. Here are a few excerpts: Sustainability: Vision or Buzzword in Northampton?Why Notre Dame’s Urban Design Team’s work matters more than Northampton’s Sustainability Plan In many ways, what Professor Bess and […]

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Videos: Northampton Public Schools Strategic Planning, Open Meeting of 10/1/08; Did You Know?

The Northampton Public Schools held an open meeting on the evening of October 1 as part of its strategic planning process. The meeting took place at the JFK Middle School Cafeteria. Consultant William Allen, Ed.D, of Future Management Systems Inc. is helping with the process. The Strategic Plan will consider such topics as Learning Results […]

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