Design Northampton Week: Preliminary Schedule

We are pleased to share with you the preliminary schedule for Design Northampton Week. This schedule is also posted with additional information at the website of Northampton Design Forum.


Note: This is a preliminary schedule – times may change.

9/6 (Saturday) 7:00 pm Notre Dame Design Team arrives in Northampton (six students / one professor)

(Sunday) Afternoon Walking/driving tour of Northampton by ND Design
Team. Set up Design Team workspace in A.P.E. Gallery. 7:00–9:00 pm
Public Presentation by Design Team at Northampton Senior Center

(Monday) Design Team A.P.E.Gallery “Office Hours” 9:00 am – Noon; 1:00
pm – 5:00 pm. Morning: Meetings of design team with invited
stakeholders in A.P.E. Gallery. Afternoon: Meetings with invited
participants continue. Evening: Design sessions begin.

(Tuesday) Design Team A.P.E. Gallery “Office Hours” 9:00 am – Noon;
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Morning: 9:30 – 12 noon: Open citizen meetings with
Design Team / fifteen 30-minute slots. Afternoon: Design sessions
continue. 7:30–9:00 pm First public “in-process” presentation (A.P.E.

9/10 (Wednesday) Design Team A.P.E. Gallery “Office
Hours” 9:00 am – Noon; 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. All Day: Design sessions
continue. 1:30 – 2:30 pm: Mid-day public presentation (as required).
7:30–9:00 pm: Second public “in-process” presentation (A.P.E. Gallery)

(Thursday) Design Team A.P.E. Gallery “Office Hours” 9:00 am – Noon;
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. All Day: Design sessions continue. 1:30 – 2:30 pm:
Mid-day public presentation (as required). 7:30-9:00 pm: Third public
“in-process” presentation (A.P.E. Gallery)

9/12 (Friday) Design
Team A.P.E. Gallery “Office Hours” 9:00 am – Noon; 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
Morning: Design sessions continue. Afternoon: Design session continue.
7:30–9:00 pm: Fourth public “in-process” presentation (A.P.E. Gallery,
if and as required)

9/13 (Saturday) No Office Hours. Morning:
Design sessions continue. Afternoon: Design sessions continue.
4:00–6:00 pm: Final Presentation by Design Team at Northampton Senior
to NDF, public, community leaders and invited guests; for final
comments and questions about work produced during the week. Feedback
will provide basis and direction for continued work over subsequent

9/14 (Sunday) Morning Design Team returns to Notre Dame

10/15 (Wednesday) 9:00 am – Noon: Mid-semester project review at Notre Dame, w/invited jurors and NDF guests

12/13 (Saturday) 2:30 – 5:00 pm Return of Design Team for public presentation of final proposal

See also:

Support Design Northampton Week, September 7-13
“Design Northampton Week,” the Notre Dame Urban Design Studio project,
is rapidly approaching! It begins four weeks from today, on September
7, 2008. The Northampton Design Forum has been hard at work this summer
organizing the event and raising the money needed to cover expenses for
the group. So far, more than $9,000 has been donated by over 50
individuals and businesses. The Design Forum is now ramping up its
fundraising to raise another $7,000 to cover the costs of the project.
We thank those of you who have donated and hope that we will get many
more contributions, in any amount, from as many people as possible.
Tax-deductible contribution checks to support Design Northampton Week
should be made out to A.P.E. Ltd, our sponsoring organization. Please
write “Notre Dame Design” on the memo line of the check. Checks should
be sent to:

A.P.E. Ltd
126 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060

Please include your email address with your check so that we can
continue to update you on progress, and indicate if you want your
contribution to be anonymous.

Also, please forward this [message] to anyone who may be interested, including relevant listservs to which you belong. Thanks!

Joel Russell, Chair
Northampton Design Forum

Video: Notre Dame Urban Design Studio Presentation

Notre Dame Pitches Urban Design Studio to Northampton