Video: Planning Board Hammers Out Cautious Support for Design Northampton Week

[8/30/08 update: Joel Russell sent us the following comments, which we are reprinting with permission: Thank you for posting the video of the Planning Board meeting. I would like to offer some clarifications and corrections, however: The Planning Board has never been asked to contribute public funds. When the Board voted in June, the main […]

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Urban Community Gardens Flourish in Holyoke

The April 2008 issue of The Atlantic describes the benefits of urban gardens in Holyoke. As in Northampton, the harvest goes beyond food to include education and community-building. A few excerpts: A Papaya Grows in Holyoke …Holyoke [is] fertile ground for “urban agriculture”–the successor to the still-flourishing community-garden movement, which itself grew out of World […]

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Latest Draft of Zoning Revisions Committee Ordinance

The Rezoning Subcommittee has kindly provided us with the latest draft of the ordinance to set up a Zoning Revisions Committee. This ordinance will be reviewed by Northampton’s Planning Board on August 28 at 7pm, Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street. The public is encouraged to attend. Draft Ordinance: Zoning Revisions Committee Establishment; […]

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August 28: Planning Board to Discuss Zoning Revisions Committee, Northampton Design Forum

The composition and mandate of the Zoning Revisions Committee (aka the Rezoning Committee) is on the agenda for the August 28 meeting of Northampton’s planning board. This is a step in the implementation of the Sustainable Northampton Plan. The upcoming Northampton Design Forum will also be discussed. NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC MEETING/Legal AD FOR Thursday August 28, […]

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Design Northampton Week: Preliminary Schedule

We are pleased to share with you the preliminary schedule for Design Northampton Week. This schedule is also posted with additional information at the website of Northampton Design Forum. DESIGN NORTHAMPTON WEEK SCHEDULE (emphasis added) Note: This is a preliminary schedule – times may change. 9/6 (Saturday) 7:00 pm Notre Dame Design Team arrives in […]

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