Video: July 28 Rezoning Subcommittee; Comments from Alex Ghiselin and Ward 3 Association

Northampton’s Rezoning Subcommittee held its third meeting at Forbes Library on July 28. Its goal is to determine the optimal size and composition of a city-wide Rezoning Committee and submit a proposal to the planning board and city council. The Rezoning Committee’s decisions could have far-ranging impacts in how it chooses to implement the Sustainable […]

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Meeting Tonight: Proposed New Police Station and Parking Garage

Citizens are encouraged to attend tonight’s meeting of the Central Business Architecture Committee. A major new building for downtown Northampton, the police station, will be discussed. Here is the meeting notice: CENTRAL BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE COMMITTEERevised Meeting Notice(Item added) DATE:     July 30, 2008TIME:     6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.PLACE:    City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton AGENDA […]

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Video: Presentation of Three County Fairgrounds Master Plan

Attendees packed a small meeting room on July 23 to see the master plan for the Three County Fairgrounds. Yesterday’s Gazette reports: Bruce Shallcross, general manager of the Three-County Fairgrounds, said the board of directors liked what they saw Tuesday night from Curtis Catron of Knoxville,Tenn.-based Bullock Smith & Partners. Catron presented the master plan […]

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Hyla Report: Northampton Wetlands Buffers at Narrow End of Massachusetts Spectrum

The North Street Neighborhood Association recently engaged Hyla Ecological Services to compare Northampton’s new wetlands buffer zones to those found elsewhere in Massachusetts. As a refresher, here are the buffer zones in Northampton (Municipal Code, Chapter 337-10-E-2). Note the multiple zoning districts where encroachment to within 10 feet is permitted: The City’s general policy is […]

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