June 14: Ward Three Strawberry and Lemonade Afternoon Social and Bridge Street Cemetery Historic Tour

It is our pleasure to publicize this announcement from the Ward Three Neighborhood Association. Visit their website at http://www.wardthree.com/ The Ward Three Neighborhood Association Invites you to a Strawberry and Lemonade Afternoon Social and a Bridge Street Cemetery Historic Tour Led by Historic Northampton Saturday, June 14, 2008 2-5pm (Rain date: Sunday, June 15, 2008) […]

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Portland, Oregon Voters Sour on Densification Over Time

In the back of the Sustainable Northampton Plan, you’ll find results from a 2006 opinion survey (Appendix B, p.71-80). At first blush, it appears that Smart Growth principles such as densification and transit-oriented development are popular: 89% of respondents agreed that “Development Should Be Encouraged At Densities And Locations That Can Support Transit”. The problem […]

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New York Times: Downsides of Owning a Condo in a Downturn

Condo ownership presents some special hazards during an economic downturn. Even you personally are solvent, your fellow condo owners might not be. Today’s New York Times reports: Collateral Foreclosure Damage for Condo Owners When people buy condos, they expect their monthly fees will cover many of the responsibilities that they would otherwise have as owners […]

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Best Practices: Pictures and Video from the May 13 Public Forum

Northampton’s Best Practices Committee hosted its first public forum on May 13. Dozens of citizens and several city councilors attended. The goal was to brainstorm about ways to improve the city government’s decision-making process. Jason Heffner facilitated. This Google video shows about one hour of the two-hour-long meeting. Quiet periods and small-group sessions are omitted. […]

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Habitat Loss and Pollution Pummel Amphibians

Giving wetlands their space is crucial to easing environmental pressures on amphibians. Defenders Magazine reports on the current state of affairs: Slipping Away: Frogs, salamanders and other amphibians are sliding into oblivion (Spring 2008) …It’s not just the colorful, exotic rainforest species that are disappearing, but also the common frogs, toads, newts and salamanders that […]

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