NY Times Magazine: “The Autonomist Manifesto (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Road)”

Dense urban living works for some people, but not for many others. Planners need to balance their visions with a respect for the core wants and needs of today’s families.It is true that cars can lead to pollution and other problems. Many Smart Growth planners have tried to discourage driving by making it hard to park and drive. […]

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Robert H. Kuehn Jr.: “Thinking Like a Developer”

Robert H. Kuehn Jr., a champion of affordable housing and mixed-use developments, contributed “Thinking Like a Developer” to Preserving and Enhancing Communities: A Guide for Citizens, Planners and Policymakers (2007). Kuehn discusses brownfields revitalization, avoiding acrimony, and a common developer mistake that drives density (p.42-51): A key issue is whether the property to be developed […]

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Photo Essay: Our Woods in Winter

Here are pictures taken yesterday from the bike path and roads surrounding the woods behind North Street. Kohl Construction proposes to build 26 condo units in and around these woods. As observed in Preserving and Enhancing Communities: A Guide for Citizens, Planners, and Policymakers, Protecting open space is often about protecting what makes a community special […]

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Neighborhood Meeting on Hawley Street Suspicious Fires – Dec 18, 7:30pm

We are relaying this announcement from the Ward 3 Neighborhood Association: WARD 3 NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONin conjunction with the Northampton Fire Department, Northampton Police Department, Massachusetts State Fire Marshall’s Office, Mayor Mary Clare Higgins and City Councilor Marilyn Richards and Councilor Elect Bob Reckman invite you to aNEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGTuesday, December 18th7:30 PMHAMPSHIRE EDUCATION COLLABORATIVE (HEC)CONFERENCE ROOM97 HAWLEY […]

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Smart Growth with Balance: The American Planning Association

In its advocacy of Smart Growth, the American Planning Association supports the principles of citizen participation, preservation of neighborhood character, respect for urban greenspace, and fairness. The APA’s Policy Guide on Smart Growth, adopted in 2002, defines Smart Growth as follows: Smart growth means using comprehensive planning to guide, design, develop, revitalize and build communities for all […]

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UMass Press: “Natural Land: Preserving and Funding Open Space”

The University of Massachusetts Press (Amherst) recently published Preserving and Enhancing Communities: A Guide for Citizens, Planners, and Policymakers, a timely addition to the Sustainable Northampton debate. The book generally supports Smart Growth concepts while it also underscores the value of urban open space. We focus on the latter in these excerpts from Chapter 10, “Natural Land: Preserving and Funding […]

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