Alex Ghiselin, Letter to Gazette: “Don’t let development encroach on our wetlands”

Alex Ghiselin is a former City Councilor for Ward 5. The Gazette publishes his letter to the editor today: “Don’t let development encroach on our wetlands” To the editor: Northampton has a natural wetland system that protects us from flooding, nurtures biodiversity and filters our groundwater. Allowing development within 10 feet of this system in […]

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Is the Proposed Wetlands Ordinance Similar to Current Buffer Zone Policy? Judge for Yourself

Several public officials have asserted that the proposed Wetlands Ordinance, scheduled to return to the City Council’s agenda on 9/20, is a continuation of existing policy, or even a strengthening of it. We encourage you to judge for yourself. First we present the current policy, in effect since 10/23/03:While the Conservation Commission has granted limited exceptions […]

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Northampton Redoubt: Doug Kohl reduces “footprint” of subdivision proposal due to the discovery of vernal pools in the North Street area wetlands

Daryl LaFleur has just published an article on Northampton Redoubt reporting that Kohl Construction has adjusted its proposal for condos off North Street. Daryl has kindly allowed us to reproduce his article in its entirety: Doug Kohl reduces “footprint” of subdivision proposal due to the discovery of vernal pools in the North Street area wetlandsConcerned […]

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NSNA Banner Ads Debut on

Visitors to the home page of the Daily Hampshire Gazette,, will see our new animated banner ad starting today:In this ad, we are calling particular attention to detention ponds as people may not appreciate how the need for them may surge under the proposed wetlands ordinance. The ordinance is specifically aimed at encouraging infill […]

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Conservation Commission Schedules 9/18 Meeting to Discuss Vernal Pools

Northampton’s Conservation Commission has scheduled a meeting at 6:30pm on Tuesday, September 18, to discuss the “proposed changes to the language of the vernal pool section of the proposed Wetlands Ordinance”. The meeting will take place in City Hall Room 11, 212 Main Street.For more information contact Bruce W. Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner, […]

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The proposed ordinance is not consistent with past practice, and favors substantial new encroachments on Northampton’s wetlands

It has been argued that the proposed wetlands ordinance merely codifies current practice with respect to buffer zones, so residents should not be unduly concerned. Ward 3 City Councilor Marilyn Richards goes further and maintains that the proposed ordinance is actually more restrictive than the current guidelines, but that some residents haven’t grasped this. “Because […]

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