NSNA Featured on Home Page of ValleyAdvocate.com

Daryl LaFleur has published a blog entry about NSNA on Northampton Redoubt, his blog at ValleyAdvocate.com. The Advocate is featuring this entry on its home page today. Daryl began coverage of Kohl Construction’s plans last month, writing about it on June 15, and providing several good photos of the plans. In a comment below his […]

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Community Tree Ordinances and Bylaws for Massachusetts Communities

This Urban Forestry web page from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation links to tree-related regulations from around the state. Deb Jacobs, chair of Northampton’s Tree Committee, pointed us to this page. The next public meeting of the committee is July 24, 6:30pm at the Department of Public Works Office on 125 Locust Street. […]

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