Photo Essay: The Forest Behind View Avenue

NSNA member Thomas McCurry has taken some beautiful pictures of the forest behind View Avenue. Much of this area is imperiled by Kohl Construction’s proposal to build 31 condo units (mostly 3- and 4-bedrooms) in the area…

Fellow member Heather McLaughlin has taken these pictures of Millyard Brook as it borders the new bike path and flows to Woodmont Road. The brook is at the heart of the wetlands that the proposed condos will encroach upon.

See also:

Kohl’s Condo Proposal: Where Things Stand and What You Can Do
Kohl Construction proposes to build 31 condo units in the forest between North Street and the bike path. This development, with its access roads and 66 parking spaces, will claim 5.49 acres of land. These pictures show the area affected: